Dr. Adalbert Bader

Having his scientific administrative studies and his wide professional experiences of long years in different areas, at first in the Association field and since 1991 in the Scientific Department . the Director, Dr. Adalbert Bader in the Direction of the Baden Academy - Wurtemberg in Karlsruhe with 3-year-old formation of education in trainings (from 2003-2006) has ended with a certificate from the Direction of the Academy.
In his content there was the formation, the acquisition of competences for the independent achievement of the processes of COACHING along with people of the individual party, groups, teams and organizations. The acquisition of knowledge on the faced solutions, were also part of his education, systematical training and the formation of the aptitude to lead training processes with the strategic help of intervention. Besides he learned tactis oriented to face conversation towards available reserves focusing the center of gravity in a concrete transference, which the client could experiment on his working life as well as his private .
He reflected with oriented goals towards a behaviour in the consultation with the dear targets, the regulation of self-capacites , and the clients reserves system. It occurs an enlargement of the repertoire of communicative personal methods and the capacity of being available in the systematic thought. In that way Dr. Bader coul know the competences increase and professionalism consultation.
Complementary to the Allgäuer he was looking in other areas of COACHING for solutions and practical help of the life.for instance in his free time,he experimented with the training of self relaxing and the Neurolinguistic programe (NLP). Also he was evaluating knowledge of several specialties,in this way he was dealing with the Psychology of emotion and Neuro psychology with the system of theories, Cybernetics and others.
The Psychotherapist World Congress celebrated , in 2002 in Vienna, represented a sign for his personal developmen. There Dr: Bader stated that for his specific professional experiences and life experiences he felt a blow of special affinity and sensibility of the skills that were there presented. There he also met therapists of different countries taking part in the Congress. In his vacation he visited many of the experts who live abroad,he exchanged experiences and he trainned hinself professionally and didactically.
That's why it is necessary to make great changes in the life.
„A sea even bigger of dreans that were not made true was opposite to a sea of desires and ideas and the irrefutable knowledge of being another life. You cannot change the others, you have to begin by yourself'“
This is the point of departure for processes of relative changes in people.